online COVID-19 Safety Courses

Manitoba Building Trades Institute is committed to excellence in the construction industry.
We know that safe, skilled, and highly productive labour starts with training.

Over 100 online courses


Portrait of male construction worker in medical mask and overalls

COVID-19 Safety

This course is designed to provide you with the training you need to help you stay healthy and safe during this global pandemic.

By the end of this course, you should be familiar with how COVID-19 spreads, its common symptoms, and the populations most vulnerable to the disease. You’ll also be able to list and describe some basic ways you can prevent yourself from becoming sick and how you can prevent spreading sickness and disease to others


Covid -19 What Employees Need To Know

COVID-19: What Employees Need to Know is designed to help workers prepare and respond to exposure and illness caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Workers need to know the prevention and control measures they should utilize, as well as understand the rights they have under various laws and regulations. Being prepared, yet flexible enough to adapt to an ever-changing situation, is important to the wellbeing of all employees and their workplaces.


COVID-19: Action Plan for the Workplace

This course is designed to help employers and managers prepare and respond to exposure and illness caused by COVID-19. Organizational plans that take into account policies and procedures, human resources matters, and supply and production issues can help companies and employees prepare for the health pandemic. Being prepared, yet flexible enough to adapt to an ever-changing situation, supports an entire organization.


Coronavirus: Guarding Against COVID-19

This course discusses COVID-19 hazards and the safe practices that the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and other healthcare authorities recommend that you follow to avoid them.


Preparing Buildings for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown

This course describes the process for preparing buildings for occupants following a prolonged shutdown such as an environmental disaster, pandemic, or other catastrophic event. Learning outcomes include:
- Assessing building ventilation systems so that these systems do not cause problems upon the return of occupants.
- Processes for evaluating a building’s sanitation/janitorial processes in order to prepare the building for the return of occupants.
- Preparing building water systems following a prolonged shutdown.
- Performing a walk-through of a building to prepare it for occupancy.


Safe Return to the Workspace

Biological threats, such as outbreaks and pandemics, and environmental disasters may require people to stay home. When employers determine it is safe to return to workspaces, it's important to remember that aspects of the threat may still be present. Fortunately, there are things you and your employer can do to maintain health and safety as you return to the workplace. This course is ideal for all employees.

Looking for a specific training solution?

MBTI prides itself on the ability to provide Manitoba contractors custom work-ready training courses.  Our Training Manager is available to build out a unique training offering for any work-site.

Dana Johnson
MBTI Training Manager

Over 100 online courses

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