COVID-19 Weekly Update May 29

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COVID-19 Weekly Update May 29

May 29, 2020

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Provincial Updates:

Public health officials advise no new cases of COVID-19 have been identified as of 9:30 a.m.

today. The total number of lab-confirmed positive and probable positive cases in Manitoba remains at 294.

  • Contact Tracing. The premier says he wants to see a national program to track COVID-19, using contact tracing technology to follow its spread in provinces and across the country.
  • Phase Two. Most businesses that were forced to shutter their doors due to COVID-19 will be allowed to start back up Monday under the second phase of Manitoba’s reopening plan, which includes gyms, indoor restaurant spaces and seniors centres.
  • Disability Economic Support Program. The province is extending $4.6 million in direct and immediate financial support to low-income Manitobans with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic through the new Disability Economic Support Program. More information about the Disability Economic Support Program is available at:
  • Powwow’s. A Manitoba chief says his community will hold its annual powwownext month even if provincial public health orders continue to limit the size of public gatherings due to COVID-19.
  • Approval Rating. Premier Brian Pallister has the lowest approval rating of any premier in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic, with just 47 per cent of Manitobans giving his leadership a positive review, a new poll suggests.
  • A pair of Winnipeg restaurants have been dinged with $2,542 fines for failing to comply with provincial health orders around the COVID-19 pandemic. The Pony Corral on Pembina Highway, south of Chevrier Boulevard, and the Arabesque Hookah Cafe and Restaurant on Corydon Avenue near Hugo Street, were both ticketed on Wednesday, according to a Manitoba health protection report.

For more information and to access the online screening tool for COVID-19, visit 

Restoring Safe Services: Manitoba’s Pandemic and Economic Roadmap for Recovery is available at Businesses with questions about how the new orders apply to them should visit

A comprehensive list of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures can be found at:


Federal Updates:

As of May 29, there were 88,845 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Canada, including 6,918 deaths.