COVID-19 Update

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COVID-19 Update

April 1, 2020


The Government of Manitoba announced a new public health order that will close all non-critical businesses starting April 1 until April 14.

Construction was deemed a critical service by the provincial government, meaning that construction businesses are exempt from this order and are allowed to continue.

Under this order, businesses are considered construction and are exempt if they are engaged in construction work or services;

  • In the industrial, commercial, institutional and residential sectors, including demolition services and expanding, renovating, converting or repurposing existing spaces
  • That are required to ensure safe and reliable operations of provincial and municipal infrastructure
  • Supports environmental rehabilitation projects

Institutional, residential, commercial and industrial maintenance are also exempt from this order and deemed a critical service.
A business that provides support and maintenance services, including urgent repair, to maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties, and includes

  • property management services, including residential snow clearing;
  • services provided by skilled trades, such as plumbers, electricians and HVAC technicians;
  • custodial or janitorial services and cleaning services;
  • fire safety and sprinkler systems installation and monitoring; and
  • similar services provided by other service providers.

Click here to read the order and learn more about what businesses are exempt. 



On March 31, the provincial government announced that schools will remain closed indefinitely for the remainder of the school year.

There is a possibility of kids going back to school, but there is no date set, and the government will depend on orders under the Public Health Act.

As a result of this announcement;

  • Marks will be held, but students will be expected to continue learning
  • Grade 12 provincial exams are cancelled, he added, but students will still receive marks and assignments.
  • No students will be held back because of COVID-19 and the closure of the schools, and report cards will still be issued.
  • All students on track to graduate will do so. 
  • Teachers will teach remotely, assign work, conduct assessments and prepare final report cards. 
  • For students in Grade 12, provincial exams will be cancelled, but teacher assessments will be implemented. 
  • For students in early and middle years, provincial assessments are complete for the current school year, but other assessments will continue.
  • Child-care centres located in schools will continue to operate under the current conditions set out by the chief provincial public health officer.

For the most up-to-date COVID-19 information for Manitoba, visit the Government of Manitoba’s website