In the Community
For our members, corporate social responsibility is not a choice – it’s our obligation. Our members work hard every day to build the physical infrastructure that makes our province succeed economically. Our investment in the well-being of our communities is equally important.
Since 1992, we’ve held our annual Manitoba Building Trades Annual Charity Golf Tournament. To date we’ve raised close to half a million dollars in support of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Children’s Hospital Research Foundation and the Christmas Cheer Board.
Ongoing support for our tournament is a testament to the community spirit of Manitoba’s unionized construction sector, its affiliates and partners. We sincerely appreciate the many generous corporate sponsors, unions and individual golfers who have participated in and made contributions to this very special event. Your support funds research for finding cures and innovative techniques to improve the quality of life for sick and injured children.
In addition to the golf tournament, we continuously lead and support other worthwhile events and community initiatives. Manitoba Building Trades and our partner organization, the Allied Hydro Council of Manitoba, are major contributors to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
We will continue to work harder each year to increase our contribution to our community and support our selected charitable partners. Find out more about our annual charity golf tournament and register online.