February 21, 2024
The Manitoba government has appointed Tanya Palson, executive director of the Manitoba Building Trades, as the new chair of the Manitoba Apprenticeship Board, Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources Minister Jamie Moses announced today.
“Apprentices are the future of a strong workforce in Manitoba,” said Moses. “We look forward to the new apprenticeship board representing workers and the industry while supporting our government as we continue to grow our economy and ensure good jobs for Manitobans.”
Moses noted these appointments are part of the Manitoba government’s efforts to refocus on the development of frontline jobs and skills that build the province’s economic development. Through apprenticeship, the board will continue to shape rewarding careers in the skilled trades, the minister added.
“The responsibilities of this board have a direct impact on Manitoba’s skilled workforce now and in the future,” said Palson. “I look forward to working with all members of the board to ensure that the Manitoba apprenticeship program meets the needs of new skilled workers and employers to continue to build our province’s future.”
Moses thanked all outgoing members for their service and welcomed five new members to the board.
The Manitoba Apprenticeship Board oversees Apprenticeship Manitoba, a program that covers the major portion of tuition fees for apprentices when they attend technical or in-school training. This provides apprentices the opportunity to pay much lower tuition fees in comparison to most other post-secondary options, noted the minister. In some cases, employers may also choose to assist their apprentice with tuition fees and books, which makes an apprenticeship a cost-effective education alternative.
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