New E-Resource Website: Aging Manitoba Workforce (AMW)

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New E-Resource Website: Aging Manitoba Workforce (AMW)

January 13, 2023


Introducing a New E-Learning Resource Hub for Employers, Workers, Unions and Industry Consultants

Manitoba’s and Canada’s workforces are rapidly aging. This is evidenced through demographic and socio-economic changes. With increases in lifespan, people are working past the traditional retirement age of 65 because they need, or choose, to work longer. As the older workforce (defined by this project as 45 years +) grows, it is increasingly important to understand the occupational health and safety challenges of an aging workforce and to develop plans to address them.

Contributing to the need for this project is the gap in available educational resources for older workers and their employers in Manitoba. This includes resources for combating age-based discrimination, or ageism, to create a healthy, inclusive, and diverse workplace culture.

While there are some resources available on the topic of an aging workforce from international and other provincial organizations, there are currently no specific resources available in Manitoba and little research into the issues. This project will provide an overview of the current situation in Manitoba through data analysis and the use of interviews, surveys and focus groups.

Secondary research will be conducted into best practices and strategies, already in place, in the international and national communities. Resources will be developed for target groups that will create awareness of the issues as well as guidance for the development of effective workplace programming.

Project Goal

The primary goal of AMW is to develop an older worker e-learning resource centre to address the gap in educational resources. These resources have been designed to help older workers, their employers, human resource professionals, safety and health practitioners and stakeholders maintain a safe and healthy aging Manitoba workforce.


Project Objectives

  1. Provide an analysis of international and provincial data that will contribute to the understanding of best practices for safety and health for an aging workforce, including return-to-work programs for older workers.
  2. Develop educational and awareness resources for employers, workers, and other stakeholder groups, which will include approaches to address issues of workplace culture and ageism.
  3. Develop e-resources for employers to help retain healthy older workers who contribute to a successful organization through skills, mentorship, and succession planning for long-term business success.
  4. Support older workers with safety and health resources to enhance knowledge and understanding of issues and safe work practices, to prevent injury and illness.
  5. Provide human resource professionals with an understanding of the barriers facing an aging workforce, along with knowledge of the unique safety and health needs of older workers and strategies to prevent injury and illness.
  6. Provide safety and health practitioners with an understanding of the barriers facing an aging workforce, along with knowledge of the unique safety and health needs of older workers and strategies to prevent injury and illness.

Start exploring the website and e-learning modules at