Construction Industry Leaders Announce Enhanced Safety Guidelines

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Construction Industry Leaders Announce Enhanced Safety Guidelines

April 16, 2020


April 16, 2020

Construction Industry Leaders Announce Enhanced Safety Guidelines Amidst Continuing Uncertainty

WINNIPEG – Manitoba’s industrialized construction industry (ICI) and mechanical industry employers have partnered with Manitoba’s largest skilled trades and construction labour supplier to enhance previously announced COVID-19 guidelines. The collaborating group of Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba (CLRAM), the Mechanical Contractors Association of Manitoba (MCAM), and Manitoba Building Trades (MBT) have partnered with OHS Global Risk Solutions LTD, leading infection control experts in the industrial environment. The collaborating partners are encouraging all segments of the construction industry to adopt the guideline as the new standard.

“We are collectively taking measures to protect our frontline construction workers by developing safety guidelines that ensure contractors continue to operate safely while allowing business continuity,” said Peter Wightman, Director, CLRAM. “We encourage the whole of Manitoba’s construction industry to join us in adopting these guidelines as a new standard to stop the spread of COVID-19”

This is an enhancement of MBT and CLRAM’s previous guidelines released March 31. The document outlines industry-specific and public health guidelines, including administration of workplace hygiene, the provision of PPE equipment and pre and post worksite cleaning procedures. Worksites that do not provide these amenities or do not follow applicable guidelines could be deemed unsafe and workers may exercise their right to refuse work in accordance with the Workplace Health and Safety Act.

“The safety of our workers is paramount during this difficult time,” said Sudhir Sandhu, Chief Executive Office for MBT. “Workers and their families should feel confident that employers are taking measures to protect them.”

“Providing leadership, safety and confidence in the Manitoba Construction Industry for all Manitobans was the goal of this collaborative project,” added Ramona Coey, Executive Director of MCAM. 

The following organizations have also endorsed the guidelines. Construction Association of Rural Manitoba, Manitoba Association of Sheet Metal and Air Handling Contractors, Manitoba Insulation Contractors Association, Roofing Contractors Association of Manitoba, Testing and Air Balancing Association, and The Manitoba Masonry Contractors Association.

A full copy of “Manitoba Construction Industry SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Safety Guidance Document” is available here:

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The Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba (CLRAM),  Manitoba Building Trades (MBT), and  Mechanical Contractors Association of Manitoba (MCAM) respectively represent Manitoba’s largest construction employers and workers involved in some of the largest and most complex industrial, commercial and institutional construction (ICI) projects. Manitoba’s ICI market segment involves an estimated sixty percent of the total Manitoba construction activity and involves over 10,000 skilled trades and construction workers.