#WeBelongInTrades Feature: Emma Ducharme
August 28, 2020
Meet Emma – An 18-year-old gas-fitting apprentice and outdoor enthusiast who loves fishing and camping.
Inspired to pursue a career in the building trades industry by other female tradesworkers in her family, Emma now assists with ventilation projects – working with gas pipes, installing and servicing furnaces and ACs, and doing duct work on residential homes and commercial buildings.
Her favourite part about working as a gas-fitter is the variety of work and ability to challenge her skills in various environments.
“Some days I’m out recovering refrigerant, trouble shooting or finding a leak in AC lines. Other days I do annual services on furnaces or change out hot water tanks. I also often do the wiring for new thermostats and help out with home venting. Every day is different because every job site is different.”
Since entering the trades, Emma says she’s become more resourceful and confident in her abilities to manage tougher projects.
“It’s important to never turn down work. It may not be as scary or diffult of a job as you’re making it out to be in your mind. I showed myself how smart and determined I am. I can do anything anyone else can do. The trades have given me new life skills and helped shape me into who I am today. I love it.”
Emma’s advice for other young apprentices:
“Learn as much as you can and work as hard as you can. Do not give up or quit! Everyone has bad days and it’s how you push through those days that will show you how strong, dedicated and smart of a person you are.”
For more information on how Manitoba Building Trades and MBTI supports female apprentices in the industry CLICK THE LINK BELOW: